AsiaDHRRA Holds Back-to-Back Farmer-to-Farmer Exchange Visits in the Philippines (a summary)

Quezon City, Philippines — One of the core strategies that AsiaDHRRA advocates and implements is the “people-to-people” approach which is a proven Asian way of building solidarity, linkages, and relationships.
With this perspective, AsiaDHRRA designed Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) and Farmer’s Organization-to-Farmer’s Organization (FO-FO) exchange visits. The learning exposure aims to enrich farmer leaders’ knowledge in production, skills in operations, and competence in market strategies. More so, to maximize the FOs resources to reach their full potential and address marginalization in rural communities.
Series of F2F focused on social enterprises in the Philippines commenced in September 2017 on Coco Sugar; followed by, Carabao Research and Support Institutions on October 23-29, 2017; next, Livestock and Rice Production, and Honey Products on November 26 – December 2, 2017, simultaneously; and recently, about Cacao Farms on March 20-24, 2018.
Around forty-five (45) Farmer Leaders and representatives from varied AsiaDHRRA networks, like Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam have participated in the learning exchange.
These learning visits highlighted the various strengths and experiences of each company and organization that lead to their respective success. Immersion to all the crucial processes of the different enterprises educated the delegates on quality manufacturing, good branding, unique packaging, and strategic marketing.
Furthermore, inputs acquired by the participants made them realize the vital points of maximizing available farm resources in: improving quality products; minimizing cost; and contributing to a healthy farmer environment. Through all these, they envisioned to adapt the best production practices and match the machineries of the Farmers’ companies/organizations of the Philippines to their countries.


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