AsiaDHRRA co-organizes the Civil Society Forum on Engaging the AMAF

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Last August 22, 2016, the  CSO Forum on Engaging the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Agriculture and Forestry (AMAF) in Puerto Princesa, Palawan. Attended by 21 CSO representatives coming from international, regional, and national Peoples’ Organizations and NGOs,  the CSO Forum on Engaging the AMAF was co-organized with AFA and Oxfam, and supported by the European Union under the ReCoERDO Asia Project.

  • Strengthen representation of CSOs in the upcoming SOM and AMAF Meetings;
  • Build consensus among CSOs on the priority issues and cooperation agenda before the SOM and AMAF meetings; and,
  • Develop an action plan to follow through and chart progress on the agenda/recommendations forwarded to AMAF.

To assist in crafting concrete CSO proposals on areas for action and cooperation, and recommendations to the AMAF, four key sessions were held covering broad topics on the ASEAN Community Vision and Strategic Plan for ASEAN Cooperation on Food, Agriculture, and Forestry (2016 – 2025);  ASEAN Multi-Sectoral Cooperation on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) and Opportunities for Civil Society Engagement; Civil Society Framework for ASEAN Engagement on ASEAN FAF; and finally, the Matrix Possible Synergy on ASEAN and CSO Cooperation.
“Our engagement with the ASEAN is a saga, but with the presence today of CSO and FOs coming from national and regional organizations, it shows that we remain steadfast and hopeful, and that this engagement with the ASEAN remains important to us even if we know that the ASEAN Engagement will be for the long haul.” said Marlene Ramirez, Secretary General of AsiaDHRRA during the forum.
At the end of the CSO Forum, participants were also able to (a) craft a concrete CSO presentation that was intended for the on-going AMAF meeting in Palawan; (b) Identified 6 countries for national engagement follow-thru; and, (c) Strengthened solidarity and understanding among CSOs committed to engage ASEAN for the long haul.
Regional Cooperation to Empower Rural Development Organizations in Asia (ReCoERDO Asia) is a regional program supported by the European Union which aims to contribute to the improvement of the socio-economic well-being of members of rural people’s organization in Southeast Asia through strengthened capacity of CSOs in responding to rural development issues.


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