AsiaDHRRA launches 2 new projects in Indonesia

Project Launching with Ngudi Makmur
Project Launching with Ngudi Makmur

Project Launching with Ngudi Mulyo
Project Launching with Ngudi Mulyo

Indonesia – AsiaDHRRA inked two partnership agreements with Kelompok Tani Ngudi Mulyo for the project entitled “Improving Production, Product Quality and Marketing of Cacao Products” in Yogyakarta, Indoseia; and, with Kooperasi Serba Usaha (KSU) Ngudi Makmur for the project entitled “Building Collective Marketing of Himpunan Tani Ngudi Makmur” in Central Java, Indonesia.  The said projects will be directly implemented by the partner aforementioned farmers’ organizations, with support from InDHRRA as their local agri-agency partner/service provider.


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