AsiaDHRRA shares community-based technology transfer approaches

satnet group
Bogor, Indonesia – Ms. Mags Catindig, Program Officer, presented AsiaDHRRA’s learning experiences in empowering farmer organizations during the “3rd SATNET’s Policy Dialogue on the Role of Technology Transfer in Agriculture for Sustainable Development Outcomes” on 11 February 2015.
Mags underscored the importance of group development model or participatory, community-based approaches as the DHRRA network’s good practice in transferring agricultural technologies. In the said approach, the DHRRA network employs farmer-to-farmer (f2f) (e.g. volunteer farmer technicians), farmers’ organizations-to-farmers’ organization (FO-FO) learning exchange visits, and participatory technology development methodologies such as farm planning and designing, learning farm, participatory action researches.
This 3rd SATNET policy dialogue aimed “to bring into renewed focus the importance of technology transfer within the overall post-2015 Sustainable Development agenda.” It was attended by at least 70 senior-level representatives of government research and extension institutions, NGOs, international organizations, academia and private sector in the Asia-Pacific region.
AsiaDHRRA also attended the annual meeting of SATNET Asia Network on 10 February 2015, which aimed at taking stock of network’s achievements and lessons learned, discussing sustainability and future direction of the network, and, strengthening personal ties and collaboration amongst members.
The 2-day event was organized by Centre for Alleviation of Poverty through Sustainable Agriculture (CAPSA) in cooperation with UN ESCAP with support from the European Commission.


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