ASEAN share ASCC MTR Report

The ASEAN has published the ASCC MTR Report. This can be accessed at the following links:
(Page link)
(Direct link to report)
Asiadhrra was tapped to conduct the Medium Term Review of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Blueprint.
About the ASCC MTR (excerpted from the report)
The Cha-Am Hua Hin Declaration on ASEAN Roadmap for an ASEAN Community 2009-2015 of 1 March 2009 established that the three Community Blueprints – Economic, Political-Security, and Socio-Cultural – and the 2nd IAI Work Plan constitute the ASEAN Roadmap. The ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Blueprint’s primary goal is “to contribute to realising a people-centred and socially responsible ASEAN Community by forging a common identity and building a caring and sharing society.” The ASCC Blueprint is a framework for action and is structured into 6 Characteristics1 or strategic-level development and cooperation outcomes and impacts toward ASEAN Community building. Underlying each Characteristic are Elements or inter-woven cross-pillar, thematic, sectoral and cross-sectoral outcomes. Each Element is in turn buttressed by Action Lines of which there are a total of 339 or specific results or activities to be achieved or undertaken through programmes, projects or special activities. The Blueprint contains an implementation arrangement laying out a schedule of key milestones and a coordination mechanism or governance structure delegating roles to the ASCC Council, Sectoral Ministerial Bodies, Senior Officials Meetings and other ASEAN affiliated bodies and associated entities. In carrying out the Blueprint, ASCC is required to identify and address resource requirements, and to enumerate a communications plan that helps to enhance awareness, broaden and raise funds.


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