Websurfing Filipino farmers

Tech Tuesday again, and we bring you this interesting story of how filipino farmers in remote areas are using the internet to research and find answers to problems they encounter in farming. Got this off inquirer.net
By Anselmo Roque
SCIENCE CITY OF MUÑOZ — Confronted with a pest attack on his rice field, Marcelino Dizon, a 60-year-old farmer from Barangay Rang-ayan here, went straight to the barangay hall to search for answers.
With the flick of a callused finger, Dizon turned on a computer and started surfing the Net. In no time at all, he had the information he needed.
In Magsaysay, Davao del Sur, Bienvenido Mariano, 62, faced a similar problem. He got the answer from the Internet-stem borers were attacking his plants-and learned what he should do to solve the problem.
Dizon and Mariano are among the hundreds of farmers in 12 cyber communities around the country who have become adept at using the Internet as a tool for improving rice-farming techniques.
“I never expected that I would be able to learn to use the computer, much less the Internet,” said Dizon.
“I am able to get answers right away to my queries on rice farming,” he said.
continue reading the article here…


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