Asiadhrra invited to the 31st APRC (2012)

A five-member Asiadhrra delegation spearheaded by Ms. Marlene Ramirez, Asiadhrra Secretary General and Mr. Yoshikuni Yatani, Asiadhrra Execom member and Dr. Bui Quang Toan, Vietdhrra Chairperson, has been invited to participate in the 31st session of the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific which will be held in Hanoi, Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, from 12 to 16 March 2012.
The five day conference will be held at the Melia Hanoi Hotel and is hosted by the Vietnam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD).

“The agenda focuses, firstly, on regional and global policy and regulatory issues such as the state of food and agriculture in Asia-Pacific, and on two initiatives by the Committee on World Food Security (CFS)  – the process to map food security and nutrition actions, and the preparation of the Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition, the need for sustainable intensification and diversification of crops towards food and nutrition security, and value chain development and post-harvest loss reduction for small-scale farmers.
Secondly, the conference will consider programme and budgetary matters and review proposals for enhancing FAO’s effectiveness and efficiency at country level and make recommendations on the most suitable structure and skills mix of the network of FAO offices in the region.
The report of the senior officials will be reviewed and endorsed by ministers, between 15 and 16 March, focusing on measures to speed up progress by Asia-Pacific countries towards the November 1996 World Food Summit goal of halving hunger levels by half by the year 2015.”

more about the 31st APRC here…..


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