Guidelines in using the Maligaya Flatbed Dryer

FarmFriday has this to share to our readers who have installed the maligaya flatbed dryer or planning to install one. Here’s a few reminders from PhilRice:

  1. Check/monitor the temperature of drying air, air static pressure at the plenum, and grain depth when operating the dryer.
  2. When drying palay for seed purposes, the temperature should not exceed 43oC.  For commercial purposes (milled rice), a higher temperature of  up to 52oC can be used.

Continue reading the rest of the guidelines in using the Philrice dryer here


2 Responses

  1. I am planning to make a fully automated flat bed dryer size 1 hectare, 10 sections,can u please help me? can it be possible? how will i do it?

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