FAO endorses IYFF Campaign resolution to the UN

A historic event in the IYFF campaign, WRF shares this very important step that transpired in the FAO Side Event on Family Farming:
Last Saturday, 2nd July 2011, the plenary of the 37th FAO Conference ratified the Resolution introduced by the Philippino delegation (see attached text),   supported by more than 15 countries, without any opposition, requesting  UN General Assembly  to declare in 2011 the International Year of Family Farming-IYFF, to be implemented during 2014.
The IYFF World Consultative Committee and the World Rural Forum, presents in Rome, were allowed to express gratitude to the FAO Conference after the approval of the IYFF Resolution.
During the process towards the final approval of the Resolution, several Ambassadors informed us that the worldwide dimension of the IYFF Campaing, with supporters in the 5 continents, were essential factors in favour of obtaining a general consensus.
In this respect, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to each and every organization, entity, government, person, adhered to the Campaign, as we are enjoying a collective success.
We have now to confront the great challenge of going deeper into the many crucial issues and aspirations of the hundreds of millions of women and men farmers, at national and world levels, in order to make  the 2014 IYFF a great milestone in solving problems, finding solutions to the rural people, the real leaders, the true inspiration of our common Campaign.
Draft resolution subbmited by Philippines (see page 5)


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