VietDHRRA Study Tour in Taiwan

vietdhrra study tour in taiwanTaiwanDHRRA hosted a seven-day study tour (August 28-September 3,2007) of VietDHRRA aimed at providing Vietnamese farmer leaders with workable models of agricultural production and marketing. The group visited farms engaged in commodity-based production and marketing team particularly those specializing in papaya, sugar apple, wax apple and tea products. They were also able to visit the successful Flying Cow ranch managed by the Taiwan Dairy Farm Association. And as leisure farms are a growing industry in Taiwan, the group also visited the Gi-Pu leisure farm for an observation tour.
They visited various agencies providing significant support to farmers towards improved agricultural productivity through training, research and extension services. Some of the agencies they visited are National Training Institute for Farmers’ Organization, Kaohsiung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station Council of Agriculture and of course the Council of Agriculture. The group also had the chance to visit regional centers providing services to southeast Asian farmers like the Food & Fertilizer Technology Center and the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center.


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