CSO Statement – Investment Forum for Food Security in Asia and the Pacific

The full text of the CSO Statement put forward during the  Investment Forum for Food Security in Asia and the Pacific held in Manila from 7 to 9 July 2010 can now be viewed and downloaded at the CSO Side Event Activity Blog.
The CSO Statement was born out of a very challenging process, given the diversity of perspectives, experiences and nature of CSOs who participated in the CSO Side Event to the Investment Forum  for Food Security.  CSO signatories to the Statement are indicated in the document.

Investments for Food Security in Asia-Pacific: For Whom and For What? – CSO Statement – CSO Side Event, APRC Program

We, representatives from national and regional organizations and cooperatives of small scale women and men farmers, fishers, and indigenous peoples, rural youth and women, and development NGOs in the Asia-Pacific region, wish to present to the delegates of this investment forum organized jointly by Asian Development Bank (ADB), Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) the following:
Away from “Business as Usual” Approach
Partnerships and investments to promote food security in the Asia-Pacific region cannot proceed in the “business-as-usual” approach. Our work and study with poor communities consistently show that large scale trade, technology and business practices of large agro-industrial corporations have marginalized and further displaced small holder producers, who lost their access to and control over productive resources and assets.
National and regional policies, particularly in financing and trade, have reinforced these failures and continuing food insecurity in many countries.
Click here to read or download the full statement…..


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