Job Opening: Regional/Philippines Project Manager


REGIONAL/PHILIPPINES PROJECT MANAGER — Smallholder Economic Empowerment through Digital Solutions (SEEDS) Project

Position Accountability:

At the regional level:

  • Responsible for the implementation of the Smallholder Economic Empowerment through Digital Solutions (SEEDS) project in the Philippines, Cambodia and Vietnam.
  • Has overall and ultimate accountability for the achievement of SEEDS objectives, deliverables, milestones, activities, outputs and outcomes within the designated timeframe, budget and specifications.

At the country level,

  • Directly leads the conduct of project’s day-to-day activities in the Philippines. In Cambodia and Vietnam, the R/PPM works with and through Country Project Managers in the conduct of day-to-day activities.

The R/PPM reports to and is under the guidance and supervision of the Secretary General of AsiaDHRRA.

Minimum Competency Requirements:

Education: A college or university degree preferably in the field of Information Technology

Relevant Work Experiences:
At least five years of work experiences in an NGO with three years of program/project management experience at the regional level.

Specific Work Experiences: 

  • Digital agriculture
  • FO micro and small enterprise development and management
  • Policy Advocacy
  • Capacity Development and Management
  • Project monitoring and report Writing

Other Competencies:

  • Good facility in the English language
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Human relations skills



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