AsiaDHRRA opens the week with third session on policy advocacy and constructive engagement

29 November 2021 – Third of four synchronous sessions of Responsible Agricultural Investments (RAI) Regional Training of Trainers (TOT), Module 4 with focus on Policy Advocacy through Constructive Engagement, online via Zoom. This afternoon’s session underline the differences of Policy Agenda to Policy Advocacy, and, Public Participation and Citizen Engagement to Constructive Engagement, with the […]

AsiaDHRRA gathers DHRRAs to reflect on ReCoERDO gains, define ways forward of new SAP

29 November 2021 –  AsiaDHRRA conducts reflection session on ReCoERDO-Asia to bring together the network members in defining ways forward for Strategic Action Plan 2021-2025, online via Zoom. The previous ReCoERDO-Asia programming of the AsiaDHRRA network has impacted on the improved awareness on the important roles not only of rural development organizations but also of rural […]

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