AsiaDHRRA presents to the 10th ASEAN PPPP Forum

25 November 2021  – Agri Cooph, FFP/FOA partner of AsiaDHRRA, represented by Mr. Cresente Paez (CEO), shares their experience in the region on sustainable recovery, in the first session of the 10th ASEAN People-Public-Private Partnership Forum on Rural Development and Poverty Eradication, via Zoom. AsiaDHRRA secretraiat, together with DHRRA representataives, are also present in the […]

AsiaDHRRA conducts synchronous session on policy advocacy through constructive engagement

25 November 2021 – AsiaDHRRA conducted the second synchronous session of Responsible Agricultural Investments (RAI) Regional Training of Trainers (TOT), Module 4 with the theme Policy Advocacy through Constructive Engagement, online via Zoom. The focus of the session is on Policy Gaps to Policy Agenda, highlighting the connection and importance of Policy, Development, and Governance, […]

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