AsiaDHRRA speaks during the MTCP2 wrap-up event

AsiaDHRRA Secretary General Ms. Marlene Ramirez, on behalf of AgriCord, speaks to the virtual event Celebrating the Achievements of IFAD’s Medium-term Cooperation Programme with Farmers’ Organizations Phase Two (MTCP2) on 27 April 2021. The event showcased some of the highlights of what the project has accomplished in the five years of implementation in the ASEAN […]

AsiaDHRRA joins the WCC meeting for UNDFF

AsiaDHRRA joins in the World CSOs Coordination Committee (WCC) meeting for the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF), led by the World Rural Forum (WRF) on 27 April 2021, via Zoom. The online meeting discussed the (a) Current situation of implementation of the UNDFF and next steps in the regional and global levels where […]

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