AsiaDHRRA invites you to ALERT Episode #2, “Asean Family Farmers and COVID-19: Impacts, Innovations, Investments”

AsiaDHRRA invites you to: “Asean Family Farmers and COVID-19: Impacts, Innovations, Investments” This second episode of ALERT (AsiaDHRRA e-Learning Exchanges on Rural Development and Transitions) is co-organized withAsian Farmers’ Association, PAKISAMA, and FAO. Date: 21 July 2020 Time: 3:00 – 4:45 P.M. PST Panelists: Mr. Jumer Marcaida, Young Farmer Representative, AFA and PAKISAMA Dr. Glenn […]
Declaration from the World CSO Coordinating Committee of the UNDFF

This declaration is originally published by WRF In the framework of the crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic, we, Family Farmers’ Organizations and other CSOs committed for decades in the different regions of the world to strengthening and promoting Family Farming and Sustainable Food Systems would like to make this urgent appeal to governments, United […]
AFOSP Impact Story

“With an immense spirit to develop the farming industry in ASEAN countries, farmers who are coming from 10 member states of ASEAN are driven together for the betterment of the farming industry in ASEAN. These farmers require as much support as possible from ASEAN and its partner, the EU.” “We are sharing these impact stories […]
Fast-tracking the SDGs: Driving Asia-Pacific transformations

“Fast-tracking the SDGs: Driving Asia-Pacific transformations is the theme report of the Asia-Pacific SDG partnership for 2020 (with technical updates to country classification). Reflecting on the theme of the 7th Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development, it informs regional and global dialogue on sustainable development as well as national and regional implementation of the 2030 Agenda […]