DHRRA Malaysia responds to COVID-19 thru #covidcaremy

DHRRA malaysia launched the #covidcaremy initiative in mid-March, to help respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, especially after receiving calls for financial support from underprivileged and vulnerable households which depend on a daily wage. COVIDCAREMY aims to support marginalized and vulnerable communities who are excluded from national COVID-19 response measures, and hopefully alleviate hardships experienced as […]

Securing sustainable small-scale fisheries: Showcasing applied practices in value chains, post-harvest operations and trade

AsiaDHRRA works with FAO on its umbrella program Responsible Investments in Agriculture. A wonderful celebration of Oceans Day. “Small-scale fisheries, encompassing all activities along the value chain in both marine and inland waters, play an essential role in food security and nutrition. Small-scale fisheries value chains employ millions of people across a range of activities. […]