New AsiaDHRRA Chairperson meets with the Secretariat

Quezon City, Philippines – AsiaDHRRA Secretariat welcomed the new ExeCom Chairperson, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Hong, at the headquarters on 23-24 January 2019 for an initial planning session in preparation for the upcoming AsiaDHRRA Annual Planning and ExeCom Meeting. During his two-day visit, the Secretariat provided him with the overview of AsiaDHRRA’s core programs, staffs’ profiles, […]

AsiaDHRRA attends rice mill launching of KTLFA in Myanmar

Einme Township, Myanmar – AsiaDHRRA attended the blessing and launching of Kyone Ta Loke Farmers’ Association’s (KTLFA) rice mill on 18 December 2018 at Einme Township. This is the first ever farmer-owned rice mill in the township. AsiaDHRRA, through its program Farmers Fighting Poverty, supported the establishment of the said rice mill, including its dwelling […]

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