AsiaDHRRA celebrates with Family Farmers the KLM – PE 2016/IYFF+2

Quezon City, Philippines – With the theme “Engaging Development Partners towards Sustainable Development of Smallholder/Family Farmers”, 350 representatives from CSOs, Farmers’ and Peoples’ Organizations, Government representatives, and International development partners gathered together to celebrate the 2016 International Year of Family Farming Knowledge and Learning Market – Policy Engagement (IYFF KLM-PE) at the Bureau of Soil […]

R8 Alliance meet with NATCCO and SIDC on Agri-Coop building

Quezon City, Philippines – Last November 19, 2016 around 20 representatives coming from Farmers’ Organizations of Region 8 or R8 Alliance, AsiaDHRRA, PhilDHRRA, and PAKISAMA met with key officials of the National Confederation of Cooperatives (NATCCO) and Sorosoro Ibaba Development Cooperative (SIDC). The meeting objectives are the following: Explore the support of NATCCO and SIDC […]

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