AsiaDHRRA, DHRRA Malaysia Co-Organize CSO Consultation Pre-33rd FAO APRC

Sengalor, Malaysia –  The CSO AdHoc Committee for FAO Engagement (AHC), International Planning Committee (IPC), together with local CSO hosts: DHRRA Malaysia (member of AsiaDHRRA) and PANGGAU (member of La Via Campecina), with support from FAO Regional Office, organized the CSO Consultation in conjunction with the 33rd FAO Asia Pacific Regional Conference (APRC) on 5-6 […]

AsiaDHRRA Secretariat Gears up for 2016

Baguio City, Philippines – AsiaDHRRA Secretariat held its 2015 Assessment and 2016 Annual Planning on 23-27 February 2016. The annual assessment cum planning workshop also served as preliminary operational planning as the network prepares for its new flagship program for 2016-2016: Regional Cooperation on Empowering Rural Development Organizations in Asia (ReCoERDO-Asia).  

AsiaDHRRA in the 6th Global Farmers Forum

Rome, Italy – AsiaDHRRA, represented by its Secretary General, participates in the 6th Global Farmers’ Forum held at the International Fund for Agricultural Development’s (IFAD) headquarters in Rome, Italy on 15-17 February 2016. This biennial forum is IFAD’s bottom-up process of consulting and having a dialogue with smallholders farmers’ and rural producers’ organizations across the […]