AsiaDHRRA participates in FAO-ILO Consultation on Social Protection

BANGKOK, THAILAND — AsiaDHRRA, represented by its Secretary General–Ms. Marlene Ramirez, has been invited to participate in the Regional Consultative Meeting on “Social Protection, Rural Employment and Food Securtiy” from 8-9 October 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand.   The consultation aims at “sharing country experiences and enhancing understanding and knowledge of the role of social protection […]

DHRRA celebrates 40th Anniversary

YANGON, MYANMAR – A simple gathering of some pioneers ,DHRRAs, and partners  marked the celebration of DHRRA 40th founding anniversary. The night was filled with sharing of stories, talents, and culture of DHRRAs.

AsiaDHRRA convenes 9th General Assembly

YANGON, MYANMAR — AsiaDHRRA successfully held its 9th General Assembly in Yangon, Myanmar on 2-4 October 2014, hosted by MyanDHRRA. In celebration of 2014 International Year of Family Farming, the GA’s theme is “Empowering Family Farmers and Building Resilient Communities in Rural Asia: The role of civil society organizations, government, and the donor community.”   […]