JaDHRRA Intern in Asiadhrra

Mr. Makino Atsushi, a senior student of Kobe University in Japan taking up Economics, is currently on a six month internship (February-August 2012) in the Philippines hosted by Asiadhrra and Phildhrra. Maki, as he prefers to be called will focus his internship on studying Philippine NGO Programs and Activities. He began his internship with a […]

Atenean volunteer in Asiadhrra

Ms. Soc Orlina, a junior AB Communication student at the Ateneo de Manila University has joined Asiadhrra as a summer volunteer for the period April-May 2002. She will produce a video brochure for Asiadhrra.

Asiadhrra becomes the newest member of Agricord!

Asiadhrra in October 2011 joined AgriCord  as its newest member.  It hopes to promote the “Farmers’ Fighting Poverty” program of the network along its agenda of building partnerships to empower farmers in the Asian region. On a related note, Asiadhrra Execom met with AgriCord Managing Director Mr. Ignace Coussement, in Hanoi in March 2012 where […]

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