Updates on the WSFS CSO Parallel Forum

Sharing with you updates on the CSO Parallel Forum of the World Summit on Food Security from our partner WRF, represented by Mr. Jose Osaba. Monday, 16 November, 2009 Early morning greetings from Rome: Since the evening of Friday, 13 November, we have been here taking part in the activities of the parallel forum to […]

AsiaDHRRA to participate in ADB Accountability Mechanism Orientation

Mr. Nonoy Villas, AsiaDHRRA LSFM Program Manager, will participate in the Orientation on ADB’s Accountability Mechanisms on Nov. 19, 9am – 1pm, at the Discovery Suites, Ortigas Center, Pasig City, Philippines. ADB conducts this orientation session to brief stakeholders on the Acccountability Mechanism and to familiarize them with the procedures for accessing OSPF and the […]

Laos green lights listing of local non profit organisations

This is a very welcome development in Laos. Vientiane Times, 13 Nov 2009 Individuals who want to set up a non-profit organisation can now apply for a licence through the Public Administration and Civil Servant Authority. State Administration Development Department Deputy Director General, Mr Ampha Simmasone, confirmed this week the department was ready to accept […]

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