AsiaDHRRA co-sponsors human rights forum

AsiaDHRRA together with ESCR-Asia, CODE-NGO and the U.P. Asian Center, sponsored the forum “Kasali Ka, Kasama Ka:  Discerning Relevant Applications of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Prospects of Ratification of the Optional Protocol in the Philippines and in Select Countries in Asia” on Dec.9, 2008, 8:30-12 noon, at Romulo Hall, […]

International Human Rights Day: Dignity and justice for all of us

AsiaDHRRA joins the rest of the world today in celebrating the International Human Rights Day. In this year’s celebration, the UN focuses on the theme “Dignity and justice for all of us” Read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights here… Some suggestions from the UN on how to participate in the worldwide celebration of Human […]

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